Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tips for Saving Money on Used Cars

When buying used cars, you automatically get a significant savings over the purchase of a new vehicle. These cars are often priced significantly lower than a new vehicle never owned by anyone else. However, there are a few more ways you can save a significant amount of money on your next purchase. For those who want the features and specs but not the high price, it is all about going to the right dealer and doing some homework beforehand. Consider these tips for significant savings.

Buy Confidently

How can you buy used cars with confidence? You can do a few things to make sure that the next investment you make is a good one. First, make sure you do your homework long before you arrive on the lot. Know the make and model well enough from some basic research. Then, check out the used vehicle of these cars. Chances are good you will be able to negotiate a good deal on the lot with this information.

Secondly, you should never buy a vehicle that has been used without first discussing the purchase with your personal mechanic. This person should not work with the dealership. You will want a full inspection, if possible, of the car to ensure that it is working from top to bottom. You also want to be sure that it does not have any damage that could be expensive to repair.

Find the Right Offer

As mentioned, negotiating a deal is something you can do. Work with the dealership to get the price down. Use a significant down payment. Have a trade in. Buy when there is a dealer incentive taking place. You can also save money just by asking for a lower purchase price. Negotiating the details may be easier than you think if you take the time to ask for a discount.

Then, find the right loan for this purchase. You will benefit from a loan with a low interest rate and the shortest terms possible. Get the monthly payment you need but pay a bit more, if you can, each month to pay off the loan sooner. This will save you a substantial amount of money on the purchase. Even though you are buying used cars, you can still get an affordable loan rate.

The more you think about it, the more you can tell that used cars are the ones to buy. With a bit of homework and diligent research, you could walk away with the vehicle you want, with all of the trim and features you were hoping for, without a big payment to make each month. Being a smart buyer is a must.

Thinking of checking out some used cars New Orleans? Head over to the lot at http://www.raybrandtdodge.com and find the right fit for you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anders_Abadie